Title: 數位式直流伺服馬達模糊PID位置控制器之研製
Digital Fuzzy PID Position Controller Design and Implementation of DC Servo-motors
Authors: 柳振堯
Chen-Yao Liu
Prof. Yung-Chun Wu
Keywords: PID控制器; 模糊邏輯控制器;;PID Controller (Proportional-Integral-Derivative Controller); Fuzzy Logic Controller;
Issue Date: 1993
Abstract: 本論文利用模糊PID控制器來進行伺服系統的位置控制,順利解決PID控制
的結合方法和設計程序,並分析模糊PID 控制器的性能。模糊PID控制器
和設計則是以PID 控制器的設計方法作為依據而逐步建立。由於控制器是
模擬與實作,著重於模糊PID 控制器的性能分析並與在工業界最被廣泛使
用的PID 控制器相比較。在線性及非線性的工作環境中針對直流伺服馬達

This thesis applies a fuzzy PID controller to realize the
position control of a dc-motor position servo system. It
solves the problems of the individual PID controller and the
Fuzzy logic controller applied on position control of a dc
motor and furthermore increases the performance of the whole
system. The design methods and procedures of the combination of
fuzzy logic and PID controller are emphaseized. Also, the
performance of fuzzy PID controller is studied. The fuzzy PID
controller consists of a fuzzy decison system and a PID
controller. Therefore, the controller design method comes from
two parts: one is the conventional control theory and design
technique, the other is the experience and knowledge of the
experts. The knowledge base is formed from the expert's
experience and definition of membership function is based on
PID controller design method. Since the controller design
depends on the system response, it uses block design method and
links these blocks by fuzzy logic. Not only it increases the
performance of controller drastically, but also simplifies the
process of the controller design. Simulation and implementation
are focused on the performance analysis of the fuzzy PID
controller and the comparison of the fuzzy PID controller with
the conventional PID controller which is widely used in
industry. The response and robustness tests of a dc motor
position servo system are also performed with respect to linear
and nonlinear enviroments to demonstrate the performance of
fuzzy PID controller.
Appears in Collections:Thesis