Title: 基因遺傳演算法應用在模糊模型的建立之研究
The Research of Genetic Algorithms Applied to the Construction of Fuzzy Model
Authors: 張展旗
Zhan-Chi Chang
Sheng-Fuu Lin
Keywords: 基因遺傳演算法;模糊模型;隸屬函數;模糊法則;邊界限制;genetic algorithm;fuzzy model;membership function;fuzzy rule; boundary constraint
Issue Date: 1993
Abstract: 這篇論文主要研究如何運用基因遺傳演算法 (genetic algorithm),去求 得一模糊模型 (fuzzy model) 的隸屬函數 (membership function),再 經由一產生模糊法則 (fuzzy rule) 的方法,模糊模型便可以很容易地被 建立,一般來講,直接利用基因遺傳演算法去求隸屬函數並不是很有效率 。因此,我們提出邊界限制 (boundary constraint) 的觀念,遵循此一 概念,模糊模型的隸屬函數可以有效地被求得。模擬結果驗証了我們所提 出的方法。 This paper mainly investigates how to find a fuzzy model by employing genetic algorithms. With a method for generating fuzzy rules, a fuzzy model could be easily constructed. Generally speaking, it is not very efficient to seek membership functions directly by way of genetic algorithms. Thus, we propose a concept of boundary constraints. Following this concept, the membership functions of a fuzzy model can be effectively obtained. And the simulaton results validate the proposed method.
Appears in Collections:Thesis