Title: 單晶片DSP為基礎的全數位控制可程式直流電流源之研製
Design and Implementation of a DSP-Based Fully Digital Controlled Programmable DC Current Source
Authors: 劉佳霖
Jia-Lin Liu
Ying-Yu Tzou;Yung-Chun Wu
Keywords: 狀態回授控制;數位信號處理器;直流電流供應器;電腦輔助設計;;State Feedback Control;Digital Signal Processors;DC Current Power Supply;Computer-aided design;
Issue Date: 1993
Abstract: 隨著高性能數位信號處理器(Digital Signal Processors)的發展,我們利
用一個數位信號處理器來完成直流電流供應器(DC current power
state feedback control)理論於此直流電流源的設計上,穩態誤差(
steady-state error)可藉由引入一個積分器來消除。此外,透過電腦輔助
設計(computer-aided design)可以找到一組最佳的回授增益,使得輸出步
With the high performance and increasing reliability of digital
signal processors (DSPs), a DSP-based digital controller is
used in a DC current power supply. The state-space averaging
method is adopted to derive the small-signal mathematical model
of the power stage. We employ the state feedback control theory
in designing a DC current source. By introducing an integrator
that integrates the error between reference level and output
current, the steady-state error could be eliminated. In
addition, a set of optimal feedback gains is found by computer-
aided design such that the output step response can match the
desired step response.
Appears in Collections:Thesis