標題: 飛彈解耦控制器設計
Missile Decoupling Controller Design
作者: 周呈威
Cheng-Wei Chou
Ching-An Lin
關鍵字: 飛彈; 自動駕駛; 解耦; 再補償控制器;;missile; autopilot; decouple; recompensator;
公開日期: 1993
摘要: 本論文中利用解耦控制方法,結合電腦輔助設計,使飛彈控制設計達到解 耦及追蹤的目的,並針對穩健度的不足,提出一個從開迴路頻域分析的再 補償控制設計。在整個飛彈控制器的設計過程中,考慮耦合的情形,分成 下列兩種形式設計:一是三軸的解耦設計;另一是縱向及橫向系統之控制 器分別設計,再予以組合。從模擬結果發現,飛彈解耦的情形良好,且經 過再補償設計後,對命令追蹤的能力提昇很多. This thesis study the design of decoupling autopilot for a certain missile. The design appraoch is a combination of computer-aided decoupling design and a recompensator based on frequency response to improve loop characterestics and hence gives better tracking and transient response. It is shown that the recompensator used to improve phase and gain margin significantly improves ability of the autopilot. Two types of autopilots are considered : a combined longitudinal and lateral controller and three axis design. Six degree of freedom simulations are used to verify design results. Simulation results show that the autopilot ( a single LTI controller ) is capable of handling pitch and yaw accerlation commands up to 15 g for a period of 40 second flight while maintain roll angle in a acceptable range.