Title: 類神經網路模糊推論系統及其在模糊建模的應用
Neural-Network-Based Fuzzy Inference System and Its Application on Fuzzy Modeling
Authors: 陳永鎮
Young-Jeng Chen
Ching-Cheng Teng
Keywords: 模糊推論系統; 模糊相似度估測; 法則組合;fuzzy inference system;fuzzy similarity measure;rule combination
Issue Date: 1993
Abstract: 近幾年來,模糊類神經網路已經廣泛的應用於模糊建模和模糊控制等領域
神經網路, 分別簡稱為 FNN 和 NFNN ,藉由所提出的模糊類神經網路,
有可能出現多餘的法則和語意輸入項 (linguistic term), 為了解決此
以達到簡化架構的目的。對於第一個模糊類神經網路 FNN , 我們藉由模
糊相似度的估測 (fuzzy similarity measure) ,用以組合相似的模糊
法則和語意輸入項,而同時去掉多餘的法則和語意輸入項。 對於第二
個模糊類神經網路 NFNN , 我們則提出一個法則組合程序
(rule combination procedure) 來找出可以組合的模糊法則, 而在模
組合的方法,經由實驗模擬的結果, FNN 和 NFNN 均能有效的用於非線
性系統的模糊建模上,並且藉著模糊相似度的估測和法則組合程序, FNN
和 NFNN 的架構均能進一步的簡化。
In this thesis, we study the neural-network-based fuzzy
inference systems. To realize the rule reasoning of fuzzy
inference systems, two fuzzy neural networks, the FNN and
NFNN, are presented in this thesis. The proposed fuzzy
neural networks can acquire the fuzzy logical rules by
employing the learning capability of neural networks.
Moreover, for simplifying the structures of the proposed
fuzzy neural networks, the redundant rules and linguistic
terms should be removed from the FNN and the NFNN. With this
problem, we utilize the fuzzy similarity measure in the FNN to
combine the similar rules and linguistic terms. While for the
NFNN, the fuzzy rules are reduced by means of a rule
combination procedure. At last, the fuzzy modeling of
nonlinear systems are applied to illustrate the proposed
fuzzy neural networks. By means of the simulations, both the
FNN and the NFNN can be successfully used on the fuzzy
modeling of nonlinear systems. Moreover, the fuzzy
similarity measure and the rule combination procedure are
effective to reduce the structures of the FNN and the NFNN.
Appears in Collections:Thesis