標題: 共享記憶體多處理系統上具有優先權的互斥演算法
Priority Mutual Exclusion Algorithms for Shared-Memory Multiprocessor Systems
作者: 呂育政
Yu-Cheng Lu
Ting-Lu Huang
關鍵字: 互斥演算法;持續等待鎖;優先權;同步;基本運算;共享記憶體多處理機;即時系統;Mutual exclusion algo.;Spin locks;Priority; ;Shared-memory multiprocessor;Real-time systems
公開日期: 1993
摘要: 大部分以lock來設計的互斥演算法,並未考慮優先權的問題,這類的演算
要 lock的情形下,仍必須搜尋整個陣列以找出具有最高優先權的行程。
第二個方法是MCS lock的修改,這個方法在決定具有最高優先權的行程,
素。第二個方法也是修改自MCS lock,但是縮短了時間視窗,減少發生優
先權倒置的機率。我們使用斷言的推論來證明MCS lock的正確性。我們的
串列-基底的優先權lock保有MCS lock的正確性。我們也提供斷言式的證
Most of the lock synchronization algorithms do not take
priority into consideration, which makes them unsuitable for
the real-time systems. Markatos has presented two priority spin
locks. One is a modification of Burns's spin lock. It needs to
scan the whole array to find the highest priority process even
if not all processes are interested in the lock. The other is a
modification of MCS lock. It has a long time-window from the
time the highest priority process is decided to the time the
highest is actually given privilege. A process that issues a
request during the time-window must wait even if it has a
higher priority. In this thesis, we propose two priority spin
locks: array-based and list-based priority spin locks. The
first, a modification of Anderson's spin lock, only scans the
array elements of the waiting processes. The other, also a
modification of MCS lock, has a shorter time-window. It reduces
the possibility of priority inversion. We use assertional
reasioning to prove the correctness of MCS lock. Our list-based
priority spin lock preserves all the correctness property of
MCS lock. An assertional proof is also given for our array-
based priority spin lock.
Appears in Collections:Thesis