Title: PUMTS: 一個針對 Prolog 設計之平行一致化多引線超純量處理機
PUMTS: A Parallel Unification Multi-Threaded Superscalar Processor For Prolog
Authors: 劉丁榮
Ding-Long Liu
Chung-Ping Chung
Keywords: 平行一致化;多引線楚理機;超純量處理機;Parallel Unification;Multi-Threaded Processor;Superscalar Processor
Issue Date: 1993
Abstract: 本論文的主旨在針對Prolog的平行一致化執行模式設計一有效能之處理機
架構-PUMTS(Parallel Unification Multi-threaded Superscalar ).由
於 Prolog 為人工智慧所常使用的語言之一,因此將需要一高效能的處理
機來處理 Prolog程式. 在整個 Prolog 程式執行的時間內, 一致化動作
佔了 55% 到 70%, 因此若能設計一能有效處理一致化動作的處機, 則整
體的效能將可提升. 我們是以 finegrained 的角度來設計此處理機架構,
此處理機結合了超純量(superscalar) 處理機及多引線(Multi-
threaded) 處理機的特性. 我們利用超純量處理機的特性來開發指令間的
平行度, 並且利用多引線處理機的特性來平行執行一致化動作,每條引線
是以超純量處理機的我特性來執行指令.我們設計之處理機是承襲 LISCP-
II(Linited Instruction Set Comp- er for Prolog,Versoin-II) 的指
令集. 暫存器組及記憶體等組識.LISCP- II為一個已設計完成且專為執
行 Prolog 的 RISC 型態的機器. 我們利用此基礎來探討 Prolog 在多引
線超純量處理機上執行平行一致化所遭遇之問題, 並提出解決之方法.在
模擬系統架構的結果上,我們發現 PUMTS 的效能為 LISCP-II 的3.6倍,
1.4 倍, 而在整體的效能上仍為其1.07 倍.
In this thesis, we design a high performance processor for
parallel unification of Prolog - PUMTS (Parallel Unification
Multi-Threaded Superscalar processor ). Prolog is the most used
AI language, so a high performance Prolog processor is in great
demand. The propotion of execution time spent on unification in
a typical Prolog program vauges from 50% to 70%. If we can
design a processor with high performance in processing
unfication,the overall performance can be enhanced. We are to
design such a processor based on fine-grained parallelism. This
processor integrates the charateristics of superscalar
processor and multi-threaded processor. We take the advantages
of superscalar processing to exploit the instruction level
parallelism, and multi-threaded peocessing to execute
unification concurrently. PUMTS system accedes the instruction
set, the register file and memory system of LISCP-II(Limited
Instruction Set Computer for Prolog, Version II) . LISCP-II is
a Prolog RISC processor. Based on LISCP-II,we discuss and
propose the solutions to the problems encountered during
executing the parallel unification on a superscalar processor.
In the results of simulation, we observe that the performance
of PUMTS is 3.6 times that of LISCP-II. We also compare PUMTS
and the superscalar processor given the same amount of hardware
resources. We observe that the performsce of PUMTS is 40%
better than the superscalar processor in unification,and 7%
better than superscalar processor for execution on the entir
Appears in Collections:Thesis