標題: 一個適用於分散式即時系統的檔案傳輸方法
A File Transmission Algorithm for Distributed Real-Time Computing System
作者: 李永文
Lee Ynug-Wen
Chen Deng-Jyi
關鍵字: 傳輸時間;需求檔案;路徑容量;Transmission time;files required;link capacity
公開日期: 1993
摘要: 分散式即時系統現以被廣泛的應用在軍事,醫藥,工業及其他許多領域.在 一個分散式即時系統中,一個相當重要的課題。假如在一個攸關生命的系 統中,間無法有效的被控制,可能導致無法預期的災禍。而程式的反應時 間包含了兩部份,第一部份是取得所有需要的資料檔案所花的時間,第二 部份是執行該程式所發的時間。一般而言執行該程式所花的時間通常可視 為一固定時間,所以假如要加快反應時間,我們必須要有效率的取得資料 檔案。這一篇論文提出一個新的方法來傳送資料檔案以加速反應時間。這 一個新方法將和現存的方法加以比較來展現這一個新方法在速度上與容易 實現的優點。 Distributed real-time systems have been applied in various life-critical application domains; including the military, industrial manufacturing, and medicalcare sectors. One of important issue in a distributed real-time system is the response time for the program to be executed. If the response time is not controlledeffectively, it may lead to unexpected catastrophes where used in life-critical application. The response time for the executed program can be divided into two parts: the time to get all of the files required and the time to execute the program. In general, time to execute a program usually can be considered to be constant. If we want to speed up the response time, what we need to do is to efficiently access all files required for the program to be executed. In this thesis, we propose a new algorithm to transmit the files required for the program to speed up the response time. The proposed algorithm is compared with existing approaches to demonstrate its advantages on both speed and easy for implementation.