Title: 基於影像處理技術的表面缺陷檢測系統
Surface Defect Detection Based On Image Processing Techniques
Authors: 羅國軒
Kou-Shiuan Luo
Kou-Yuan Huang
Keywords: 工業檢測, 影像處理, 圖形識別;Industrial Inspection;Image Processing;Pattern Recognition
Issue Date: 1993
Abstract: 我們建立了一個用於晶片表面缺陷的檢測系統.在這個報告中所使用到的
Thresholding),圖樣匹配(Template Matching)及投影法(Projection)
A surface defect inspection system is built up to inspect chip
surface defect of silicon wafers. In this report, the
techniques of the image analysis include segmentation, binary
thresholding, template matching, and projection. The major
defects in three regions of chip surface are: scratch in edge
region, spots in active region, and dark coating in pad region.
They are effectively detected by the designed defect detection
modules in the proposed system. Experimental results show that
the recognition rate of the proposed detection method for
scratch defect in edge region is 87%, for spot defect in active
region is 94%, and for coating defect in pad region is 99.66%.
Appears in Collections:Thesis