Title: 一個解決色彩量化問題的幾何學方法
An Efficient Geometric Algorithm for Color Image Quantization
Authors: 舒祖傑
Tzuu-Jye Shu
Dr. Yu-Tai Ching
Keywords: 幾何學;色彩;量子化;分群法;Geometry;Color;Quantization;Clustering
Issue Date: 1993
Abstract: 在全彩色彩系統中,每個像素是用三個位元組來表示它的顏色, 一千六
百多萬種顏色可使用。然而在大部份的影像並不需要這 在此情況下,使
In RGB true color system, we use 3 bytes to represent the color
of each pixel and there are 16777216 different colors in the
system. But most images contain only a small subset of the
sixteen million colors. It is enough to represent those images
by small number of colors and using true color space is
expensive and unnecessary. The process of selecting a small
number of representative colors from an image of higher color
resolution is called color image quantization. Previous
algorithm almost use statistics techniques, it need more
computational time. In this thesis, a new and efficient color
quantization algorithm based on computational geometry has been
proposed. By geometric computing characteristic, the shorter of
diameter in a set means the closer of the set, and this is our
basis for finding clusters. Our proposed algorithm is very fast
than other methods and the quality is not worst than other
methods, it is suitable for real time system.
Appears in Collections:Thesis