標題: 主從架構產生器
Sequential Client Server Program Generator
作者: 曾明德
Minder Tseng
Dr. Shyan-Ming Yuan
關鍵字: 主從架構; 產生器; 分割;Client Server; Generator; Partition
公開日期: 1993
摘要: 電腦演進中的巨大進展是從單一主機系統發展到電腦網路或是分散式系統 。如此進展我們獲得較好的價格/效能比,較高的可靠度及分享設備等等 ;然而,複雜的軟體卻成為分散式系統的障礙。本篇論文提出一個半自動 化的工具,將一個單一主機執行的程式轉換成一可在分散式環境上執行的 程式,這工具稱為主從架構程式產生器(SCSPGEN )。當給一個傳統單一 主機上執行的程式時,程式設計師可透過主從架構程式產生器的使用者介 面,將程式分割成數個可在不同主機上執行的子程式,介面中一種顏色代 表一台主機,將所有函式和總體變數分別塗上不同顏色以表示分屬不同主 機,最後再按下程式產生鈕,產生分散式程式。使用主從架構程式產生器 ,能輕易移植一個單一主機執行的程式到分散式環境上執行,而要發展一 個分散式程式也可如發展傳統程式般容易,再者產生的程式也比產生前的 程式較能存取更多網路資源及更適當分配資料位置。 The enormous development of computer is from a centralized system to a network system or a distributed system. There are many benefit from this development, such as getting better price/performance ratio, higher reliability, sharing device, etc. But the complex software development process problem is a trouble between centralized systems and distributed systems. There are many extra burden for writing a distributed application comparing with sequential application. This paper presents a semi-automatic processes for converting an exist centralized sequential program to a distributed client server program . These processes integrated into a program called SCSPGEN. Given a monolithic sequential programs , programmer simply color every procedures and global variables of the program through UI of SCSPGEN. Each color denotes a group procedures that will run on a host. Then, SCSPGEN generates corresponding client and server program for the monolithic program. With SCSPGEN, programmers can easily chang a sequential program into a distributed client server programs. Programmers can easily write a distributed client server program.
Appears in Collections:Thesis