標題: 超大型積體電路空間資料結構之設計與研究
The Study and Design of VLSI Spatial Data Structures
作者: 丁慶亮
Ching-Liang Ding
Dr. Pei-Yung Hsiao
關鍵字: 空間資料結構;真實物體;虛擬物體;單一儲存體四元樹;;Spatial Data Structure;Real Object;Quasi Object; Single Storage Quad Tree;
公開日期: 1993
摘要: 據我們所知, 空間資料結構對超大型積體電腦輔助設計系統 (VLSI CAD
泛受到歡迎的。 而四元樹(quad tree)無疑地在VLSI CAD系統上是非常受
重視的一種資料結構。 在各種四元樹中,多儲存體四元樹(MSQT)及四元
串列四元樹 (QLQT)不僅頗負盛名且於查詢的速度上得到肯定;而兩者在記
憶體空間的使用上, 則略顯得浪費,也就是在物體參考節點上的使用。在
本篇論文中, 我們嚐試了取消這些節點的方法,再做了些實驗,看看它除了
能減少記憶體外, 是否同時能增進查詢運算的速度。我們並於本文中介紹
As we know, spatial data structures are significant
fundamental of representing and physical applications, such
as VLSI CAD system, compaction, and GIS, etc. Hierarchical
spatial data structures are widely popular to researchers in
this field all over the world. Quad tree is a valued data
structure in VLSI CAD system undoubtedly. For each kind of
quad trees, the query speed of multiple storage quad tree
(MSQT) and quad list quad tree(QLQT) is affirmed. But the
usage of their memory space is squandered more or less, that
is, the use of object reference nodes (new SSQT), and we do
some experiments to test it whether this change can increase
the speed query operation except for decrement of memory.
And we will introduce some famous representative works in
spatial data structures. The above is overview and sheme of
our paper.
Appears in Collections:Thesis