Title: 氫化處理對釔鋇銅氧粉末磁性的影響
The effect of hydrogenation on magnetism of YBCO powders
Authors: 黃惠玲
Huei Ling Huang
T.J.Yang, M.W.Lee
Keywords: 抗磁性, 磁鬆弛,釘扎效應,釔鋇銅氧粉末,氫電漿;diamagnetism,magnetization relaxation,pinning effect, YBCO powder,H-plasma
Issue Date: 1993
Abstract: 在本研究中,我們以射頻產生器產生氫電漿的方法對釔鋇銅氧粉末做氫化 處理,並做磁特性量測.由直流磁化率量測之結果顯示,粉末的抗磁性增加, 臨界溫度不變.此結果和過去許多用高壓氫氣直接反應所得之實驗結果不 同.為膫解氫化效應對抗磁性增加的機制,我們又做交流磁化率和 MAGNETZATION RELAXATION 測量,指出氫電漿反應法所造成的結果並不屬 性於質子照射產生的釘扎效應. We report that the dimagnetism of YBCO powers can be enhanced by treatment with RF-generated hydrogen plasma. Both the field- cooling and zero-field-cooling susceptibility measurement at 5 K are found to tent to increase. Further, by the ac susceptibility measurement and magnetization relaxation measurement, we indicate that the enhancement of diamagnetism and irreversible magnetization is not purely due to proton -irradiation-like pinning effect, but other hydrogen effect.
Appears in Collections:Thesis