Title: 視訊處理器之設計與製作
Design and Implementation of Video Processor for Personal Computer
Authors: 蔡榮釧
Rong-Chuan Tsai
Wen-Zen Shen
Keywords: 視訊;影像;多媒體;亮度;色度;正緣;負緣;時序;可控制性;可觀測性;電路佈局。;Video;Image;Multimedia;Luminance;Chrominance;Rising Edge; Falling Edge;Timing;Controllability;
Issue Date: 1993
Abstract: 由於超大型積體電路的快速發展,使得個人電腦的性能大幅提昇,價格則持 續地下降,因而被廣泛地接受與使用。目前個人電腦已具有不錯的計算能 力,可做為電腦繪圖之用,而成為影像處理的機器。電腦繪圖通常是使用3- D的模式來產生立體的影像,這需要大量的運算才能產生一個逼真的影像, 因此電腦繪圖僅適合用來產生靜態的影像之用,而目前要在個人電腦上使 用電腦繪圖的方式來產生高品質的連續動態影像是不可能的。在本篇論文 裡,將設計一個人電腦用的視訊處理器,而組成視訊處理系統,它能將連續 動態的視訊影像轉換成可以顯示在個人電腦螢幕的格式,而且可將此連續 動態的視訊影像與電腦繪圖的影像合併,並同時在個人電腦螢幕上顯示出 來。目前使用計算機輔助設計工具Cadence OPUS及工研院電通所的TSMC 0.8uM CMOS標準元件庫完成視訊處理器的設計,模擬及電路佈局的製作。 Since the development of VLSI technology is rapid growth, the performance and cost od the personal computer are impooved dramatically. Personal Computers are widely accepted and used. They can offer high-speed function for computer graphics and become image processing machines. Computer grapgics performs 3-D modeling and rendering to create an image, it needs many operation for gereration an image and only suits to generate a still image. Therefore, it is impossible to display the high quality and full-motion image by computer graphics on personal computer. In this thesis,we design a video processor chip for personal computer to establish the video processing system. The video processor converts a high quality full-motion image into a format for display on the personal computer graphics monitor, it also merges computer graphics and the quality full-motion image to display on the personal computer graphics monitor simultaneously. We design and implement the video processor chip with the Cadence OPUS CAD tool and CCL 0.8uM CMOS standard cell library.
Appears in Collections:Thesis