Title: 彩色液晶顯示器驅動電路之設計
The Design of Driving IC for Color TFT LCD
Authors: 何榮華
Jung-Hua Ho
Jiin-Chuan Wu
Keywords: 液晶顯示器
Issue Date: 1993
Abstract: 本論文研究之主題為經由對液晶顯示器的基本動作原理及驅動方式的了解 來實作出主動矩陣式薄膜電晶體液晶顯示器的垂直及水平驅動晶片.此電 路是在3.5微米,雙層複晶矽,單層金屬線的製程技術上所設計完成的8個 灰階度,512種色彩的驅動功能.內容分為緒論,液晶顯示器彩色化方式, 液晶顯示器驅動方式,液晶顯示器驅動晶片實作,電腦模擬結果,晶片量測 結果及應用等部份。 The research objective of this thesis is to implement the active matrix TFT-LCD column and row driver chips through un- derstanding the basic concept of LCD and studying the circuit principles of LCD driving methods. These chips are designed using 3.5um process double ploy single metal technology to achieve 8 gray levels, 512 colors driving function. The thesis is devided into the following s- ections: Introduction, the LCD color methods, the LCD driving methods, hardware implementation of the LCD driver chips, SP- ICE simulation results of the LCD driver chips, chip measure- ment results, and applications
Appears in Collections:Thesis