Title: | 開放性都市之土地使用政策 -- 效率與公平之分析 Residential Land Use Policies in an Open City -- Efficiency vs. |
Authors: | 林瑞益 Ruey-yih Lin 陳武正;楊重信 Wu-cheng Chen; Chung-hsin Yang 管理科學系所 |
Keywords: | 擁擠外部性;分區管制;課稅;效率與公平;可移轉發展權;crowding externalities;zoning;taxation;efficiency and equity; transferable development rights |
Issue Date: | 1993 |
Abstract: | 當外部性存在時,任由市場自由競爭之結果,將導致都市過度發展與缺乏效 率。本研究將居住密度外部性整合於土地使用理論模型中,以分析純粹分 區管制或課稅政策, 是否能內化全部或部分之擁擠外部性,而達到柏拉圖 最適或柏拉圖改善之境界。最後,有鑒於最適之管制或課稅政策,仍然無法 改善地主間利得分配不公現像;因此,本研究進而探討可移轉發展權(TDR) 市場之設計,對於地主總利潤水準以及對地主間利得分配之影響。由本文 之分析結果, 我們得到如下結論:(1).在市場模型中,政府只需對住戶課徵 居住擁擠稅,並負責將居住擁擠稅分配給地主,即可達到柏拉圖最適境界 。(2).當住戶效用函數為對數--線性形式,住宅生產函數為C-D形式時,政 府不論採取容積管制或課稅--移轉方式,皆是使擁擠外部性全部或部分內 化之有效工具。另外,就柏拉圖改善效果而言, 淨所得稅是優於複合財貨 稅, 而複合財貨稅又優於單一所得稅, 單一所得稅優於住宅房租稅或容積 管制。(3).當都市外部性不存在時,TDR政策會使得整體經濟效率下降,但 可以提高地主間利得分配之公平性。而在一個具有擁擠外部性之都市實施 TDR政策時,其經濟效率與公平性均可能提高。 In this research, the neighborhood externalities are introduced into household's utility function so as to the effect of zoning, taxation or TDR (Transferable Development Rights ) policies under the influences of externalities. Specifically, the effects on the housing consumption and production, the profit of landowners, and the size of city are also obtained and compared. In this research, we have the following conclusions :(1). to achieve an optimal residential density, a congestion tax should be levied and transfered to landowners; (2). with the log-linear utility function and homogenous degree one production function, the density zoning, and taxation policies are effective for remedying density externalities; the relative Pareto are: the net-income tax is the best, composite good tax policy is the second, uniform income tax policy is the third, consumption tax and housing product charge are commesurately the fourth; (3).in the presence of residential density, the and equity could also better off under the TDR policy. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/58213 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |