Title: 稀土元素取代釔鋇銅247超導體高壓法合成與特性鑑定之研究
A study on the high-pressure synthesis and characterizations e- earth substituted Y247 superconductors
Authors: 澹台富國
Fu-Guo Tarntair
Teng-Ming Chen
Keywords: 鐠取代;稀土元素;高壓法;Praseodymium-substituted;rare-earth element;high-pressure method
Issue Date: 1993
Abstract: 本實驗是利用高壓固態合成法研究稀土元素取代釔鋇銅247相中釔 結構及
This research is attempted to study the effect of rare-   
ubstitution for yttrium on the crystal structure and physical
properties in the Y-247 phase system by high-pressure solid-
state synthesis. The superconducting transition temper-(Tc)
determined by both resistive and magnetization mothod was found
to decrease monotonically with increasing Prnt in the Pr-
substituted Y-247 phases. The substitutionetermined to be
70-80% and no superconductivity was found when X=0.80. In
addition, the lattice constants were found to increase linearly
with increasing Pr atom, photo-spectra were measured on the
samples of the Pr- substituted 247 phases with X=0, and
0.7,and a 3+ state is likely to be present in the samples.
Similar results were also found in the Pr substitution of the
rare-earth containing7(R=Er and Dy)phases though the individual
substitutionifferent. On the other hand, we have also
synthesized a series of=Gd,Nd and Eu) and investigated the
effect of size ofthe superconductivity of the R-247 phases. Tc
was found to decrease linearly with increasing size of R
cations. Attempts to prepare both Pr-124 and Pr-247 phases
failed due to the formation of the PrBaO 113 phase and future
attempts will require more efforts in controlling the valence
state of Pr cation. A series of scanning electron microscopic
studies were also carried out on a series of Pr-substituted 247
sample to investigate the microstructure of the samples
prepared under high temperature and high pressure conditions.
Appears in Collections:Thesis