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dc.contributor.authorYi-Hua Huangen_US
dc.description.abstract為了因應數位化時代的來臨,政府在重點產業發展策略-『兩兆雙星』政策中,將數位內容產業列為其中一『星』。在政府提出的數位內容產業中,以遊戲產業為網路經濟中的重要內容。隨者網際網路盛行及寬頻用戶數快速成長,我國線上遊戲(On-Line game)產業自1999年開始爆炸性成長至今,市場規模自1999年的0.9億元到2003年的48.8億,五年間程漲幅度達50倍。因此,本研究針對線上遊戲軟體公司其投入產出來衡量其經營績效,然而線上遊戲生命週期短且遊戲產業的環境變動快速,過去的經營環境及市場需求與傳統產業差異甚大。要能在競爭激烈的遊戲市場中,突顯其卓越的競爭優勢,國內線上遊戲廠商必須擁有針對其產業特性與經營績效而發展的評估方法,來做為優質線上遊戲業者的一項重要參考指標。本研究利用資料包絡分析法(Data Envelopment Analysis,簡稱DEA)進行評估,主要是採用台灣線上遊戲軟體公司自1999年至2002投入產出資料進行分析,分別求解CCR效率及多目標效率,藉由選擇出相對績效值較佳之公司,分析其經營策略,提供給線上遊戲公司做為參考。 關鍵字:績效評估、線上遊戲軟體、資料包絡分析法zh_TW
dc.description.abstractDEA approach for Evaluating Management Performance of On-Line Game Software Corporations in Taiwan Student: Yi-Hua Huang Advisor: Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng Institute of Management of Technology National Chiao-Tung University Abstract For the arrival of digitize. The government classifies digital content industry as key industry in development policy. In the digital content industry that the government puts forward, game industry is one of the important content of digital content industry. The network prevails and the wide-band number of users grow up fast with person the internet, on-line game explosive grows up so far since 1999 in Taiwan, the scale of market was 90 million in 1999 and 4,880 million in 1999, and it rise to almost 50 times. Because the life cycle of on-line games are short, the speed of the industry is fast, and the environment of game industry is much different from traditional industry. To keep the strength of competition, there must be an assessment method for the companies to measure the performance. In this study, we give an overall scheme to measure the performance of on-line game corporations in Taiwan. We measure the performance with the methodology “Data Envelopment Analysis” (DEA). The study adopts the input and output materials from 1999 to 2002 of on-line game software company of Taiwan, and calculate the CCR efficiency and the MCDM efficiency of them. We choose the company with relatively better performance value, and analyze its strategy for other on-line game companies to compare. Keywords: Management Performance, On-Line Game Industry, Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)en_US
dc.subjectManagement Performanceen_US
dc.subjectOn-Line Game Industryen_US
dc.subjectData Envelopment Analysis (DEA)en_US
dc.titleDEA approach for Evaluating Management Performance of On-Line Game Software Corporations in Taiwanen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis