標題: 網路型生產作業控制的基因法則實作分析
Analysis Of Genetic Algorithm Implementation In Network-based Production Activity Control
作者: 李宜昌
Li, Yi-Chang
Liang, Gau-Rong
Chen, An-Ping
關鍵字: 網路型生產作業控制;基因法則;即時型專家系統G2;Network-based Production Activity Control;Genetic Algorithms;Real-Time Expert System G2
公開日期: 1993
摘要: 在製造業中,計算機網路時代的到來產生了網路型生產作業控制模式的研究動機。生產作業控制中包含了五個模組--排程模組、派工模組、搬運設備模組、製造設備模組以及監督模組,網路型生產作業控制模式即是以網路的方式將上述五個模組連接。目前在製造設備模組、搬運設備模組以及監督模組上有較完備的研究,因此在本研究中,主要是針對排程模式組及派工模組進行分析設計。在排程模組方面,本研究是使用基因法則作為排程問題求解的工具,基因法則的優點是它能有效的減少搜尋到最佳解或近似最佳解的時間。然後,本研究將分析五個模組之間資訊通訊的特性,分別對不同模組間的資訊交換選擇適當的網路通訊方式進行整合。網路型生產控制模式的提出改進了以往製造環境中以人工報表或電腦檔案來傳遞資料的缺點。論文最後以一個模型澆灌系統為例,利用即時型專家系統G2及其所提供的通訊介面下,說明其網路型生產作業控制如何建立。
The advent of computer network age in manutacturing gives a great incentive to the study of network-based Production Activity Control (PAC) model. There are five modules in a PAC: Scheduler, Dispatcher, Mover, Producer, and Monitor. A network-based PAC is to connect five modules through a computer network. In the thesis, the major research topics are scheduler and dispatcher because much research has been well done for mover, producer, and monitor. A genetic algorithm based scheduler is proposed because it reduces the time in finding the (near) optimal solution. Also the communicaiton features of PAC are analyzed, and a new network-based PAC model is proposed. This new approach improves the disadvantages of old PAC approach. Finally, a network-based PAC model for a mould-filling Manufacturing System Model is demonstrated as a`research result.