標題: 超媒體電腦輔助教學設計模式之研究
A Model-Based Approach To Hypermedia CAI Application Design
作者: 吳曉君
Wu, Shiou-Jin
Tseng, C.R.
Kuo, Feng-Yang
關鍵字: 超媒體電腦;教學設計
公開日期: 1993
摘要: 超媒體系統中知識架構的方式將鼓勵學習者採用非線性的學習策略,是最符合學習理論的教學環境,但超媒體應用程式的資訊架構不若傳統應用程式般結構化,顯然過去軟體工程中所提出「由上而下」或「由下而上」的分析方式已不適用,但我們仍希望有一套規則,協助系統發展者對大量的資訊內容分類,並切割成大小適中的單位,配合資訊展示及操作上的目的建立不同型態的鍊結,這樣的一套規則稱之為超媒體的設計模式。本論文中參考許多的教育理論,定義出一個好的電腦輔助教學應具備的特色,之後根據這些特色,提出超文字環境中電腦輔助教學的設計模式,稱之CHDM(Hypermedia design Model for CAI),以幫助系統分析師以結構化的方式分析一個超媒體的電腦輔助教學系統。 CHDM,一個完整的設計模式中必須考慮系統中資訊元件的種類及操作方式,模式中利用「節點」、「鍊結」、「下錨點」、「瀏覽語意」定義系統中的靜態架構及動態行為。其中不同節點、鍊結形態的提供除了有助於結構化的分析過程,同時可減輕使用者迷失在超媒體環境中的問題,此外,不同的下錨點亦提供使用者更有意義的操作方式,以降低認知的負擔。 根據CHDM的分析方式實作一個自然科的電腦輔助教學系統,證明它確實是一個可行的分析模式,並且根據分析結果實作的教學系統,可滿足不同教學理論中的各種要求。
Hypermedia CAI was a powerful educational tool for destroying the linearity of traditional information in classroom teaching. Because the information structure of hypertext is not as structural as that of a traditional application. It is important to develop a new method to help user organizing the the information to be presented. In this thesis, a design model, CHDM (Hypermedia Design Model for CAI) for hypermedia CAI application is proposed. To capture the features of good CAI applications, the instruction theories are extensively studied. CHDM is then proposed to fulfill these features. An design model must include a hyperbase and navigation methods. The types of nodes and links defined in CHDM are used to define a static structure in hyperbase. And the browsing semantic of CHDM is used to describe the dynamic behavior of a hypermedia CAI application when we are navigation. In this way, CHDM not only help the structural nanlysis of a hypermedia application design, but also reduce the disorientation problem and cognitive overhead in a hypermedia environment. The nature science discipline in elementary school is analyzed by using CHDM in this thesis. The result show it is a practicable model.