Title: 工研院開放實驗室生物科技新創公司之研究
Success Factors of Biotechnology Startup Companies Incubated by the Open Labs of ITRI
Authors: 王逸材
Wood Wang
Dr. Shiao-Cheng Yu
Keywords: 生物科技產業;新創公司;工業技術研究院;開放實驗室;創業家;Biotechnology industry;Start-up Company;Industry technology research institution;Open lab;Entrepreneurship
Issue Date: 2003
Abstract: 生物科技為最具遠景的新興科技之一,其特點為研發時間長、資金需求龐大、以及產品受到的法規限制嚴格。台灣生技產業應朝何方向發展及台灣生技新創公司應如何爭取開創資金來源及保持公司營運是本研究所關心的議題。
Biotechnology is one of the most promising emerging technologies. The characters of biotechnology are long time in R&D, huge amount of capital, and lots of law restrictions. How a Taiwan bio-tech start-up company get sufficient amount of capital and keep the operation of a startup company in Taiwan that has no sufficient amount of capital is what we concern about. The purpose of this study was to explore the key factors that influence Taiwanese bio-tech start-up companies’ chances of success.
In this study, six bio-tech start-up companies that were being incubated by the Open Labs of Industrial Technologies Research Institute (ITRI) in Taiwan have been interviewed. Combined with industrial analysis and case study, the study found out biotechnology industry in Taiwan should focus in nich market like bio-chips, generic drugs, and orphan drugs. Those bio-tech start-up companies less than three years in existence emphasized technology as the key success factor. While bio-tech companies more than three years in existence emphasized capital and marketing as the two key success factors. The study also concluded that the entrepreneur really plays a key role in gathering a strong technical team and successfully soliciting capital investment from investors.
Appears in Collections:Thesis