Title: 滑動隔震橋梁之位移控制
Displacement Control of Sliding Isolation System for Bridges
Authors: 李志成
Lee, Zhi Chen
Dr. Wang, Yen-Po
Keywords: 橋梁 滑動隔震系統 被動控制 主動控制;Bridge, Sliding isolation system, Passive control, Active control
Issue Date: 1994
Abstract: 本文藉著數值模擬分析探討橋梁應用滑動式隔震系統之可行性,並評估以 阻尼器(被動控制)及油壓致動器(主動控制)控制大梁位移的效果.模擬分 析中將考慮不同典型及強度地震以探討隔震系統的適應性,並比較被動與 主動控制系統對大梁位移的控制效果. In this thesis,the feasibility of bridges isolated with sliding systems is verified through numerical simulation;actuators( active system)and dampers(passive system) are provided in restraint of bridge deck displacement.and the effectiveness are evaluated res- pectively. In numerical simulations, typical earthquakes are se- lected to verify the seismic performance of the isolated bridges, and a comparitive study of active system with passive system is also presented.
Appears in Collections:Thesis