标题: | 浅水波谱形状特性之研究 The Characteristic of Wave Spectral Form in Shallow Water |
作者: | 罗克信 Kh-Shinn Luo 郭一羽 Yi-Yu Kuo 土木工程学系 |
关键字: | 浅水,波谱,二阶系数;Shallow Water,Spectral,bicoherence |
公开日期: | 1994 |
摘要: | 当波浪自深水进入浅水时,波浪各种机构均变得比较复杂,对于波谱形状 也不像深水波一样是一个固定形状。本文拟以实验室利用不规则造波机, 以不同水深、不同造波条件,进行不规则造波试验以决定浅水波谱的形状 经验表示式。对于形状的决定,是以 Pierson-Moskowitz通用型标准波谱 改变其中的波谱形状参数以适合实验值来代表实验波谱的形状。由实验结 果证明波谱形状参数只与相对水深有关,所得的经验式可提供做一参考。 同时由底床坡度1:30与1:50的试验得知,底床坡度(缓坡)并不会影响到此 经验式的适用性。相对水深界于0.3 至0.05之间,由二阶系数可知主频处 应为线性波;非线性波应出现在二倍主频处,其非线性量约占线性量的15 %以内,但由于此处能量很小,故非线性的影响应是可以忽略的。相对水 深小于0.05时,波谱形状分裂成双峰型,由二阶系数可知分裂时在高频处 所产生第二尖峰的成分波仍是线性波。且随着波浪的进行,波谱会渐渐地 变成单一波峰型波谱,但主频略往高频处移动,非线性量会逐渐的减少。 由本次实验结果可知,底床摩擦、非线性效应并不是造成波谱形状变缓的 原因,其原因仍有待研究。 Spectral analysis is a useful method for describing the random waves. Due to the complexity of wave mechanism, it is likely to lack of standard form for shallow water wave. In this study, we use the laboratory wave data obtained in different wave conditions to determine a generalized power spectral form of shallow water waves. From the experimental results, we find the parameter m used in Pierson-Moskowitz is only the function of relative water depth so that we have a empirical formula to determine the spectral form.For the bottom slope,our experiments take the bed slope 1:30 and 1:50.We find that the bottom slope has not obvious effect on the empirical formula. By using of bispectrum theory to judge nonlinear quantities, we find that the nonlinear component energy occupied the total energy about 15%when relative water depth between 0.3 and 0.05. When the relative water depth is less than 0.05, the spectral shape will become double peak types. From the results, the shape of the power spectral form becomes milder in shallow water. It is concluded that the milder shape of shallow water wave spectrum can not be completely attributed to nonlinear interaction and bottom friction. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/58757 |
显示于类别: | Thesis |