Title: 通貨膨脹影響下最適損性存貨模式之推導
Effects of Inflation on (T,Si) Policy Inventory Model for Deteriorating Items
Authors: 廖宏昌
Hung-Chang Liao
Lee-Ing Tong
Keywords: 存貨、損壞、通貨膨脹、(T,Si)模式;inventory; deterioration; inflation; (T,Si) model
Issue Date: 1994
Abstract: 存貨管制對大多數製造業而言是相當重的一個問題,因此企業常需建立一 套最適的訂購準則,以降低存貨總成本,減少資金積壓,並能適時、適量 提供所需物料。自從1915年Wilson發表了經濟訂購量法(eco- nomic order quantyity,EOQ) ,提出了以訂購成本(ordering cost)及存貨持 有成本(carrying cost) 總和之最低點來決定其訂購數量的觀點。然而在 應用EOQ 時,必須假設需求(demand)是連續且穩定的,並且每一時點的成 本均為同一常數。其後,陸續有多篇文獻提出對EOQ 的修飾。自從1973年 石油危機以來,全世界的通貨膨脹皆上升 8至20的百分點,傳統的EOQ 方 法因為無法顧及通貨膨脹的情形,已變得不合乎使用了。另一方面,由於 近年來損壞性(deterieration) 存貨在實務上應用的情形相當廣泛,譬如 食品類、藥品、軟片、報章雜誌等,而目前國內外文獻中,尚未見到在通 貨膨脹的影響下,對損壞性存貨訂購模式的討論。因此,本研究主要在擴 展Naddor所提的(T,Si)損壞性存貨的訂購模式,且同時考量到通貨膨脹及 損壞性存貨兩因素對其影響,並修正 Buzacott於1975所提出的「售貨價 格如同成本般,是會受到相同的通貨膨脹率的影響」和「售貨價格是跟隨 訂購政策而改變」二種影響售貨價格的觀念,以發展出一個關於損壞性存 貨之最適訂購模式,並以電腦程式代入數值例子以驗證此訂購決策之可行 性,同時為要瞭解參數值的改變對此模式的影響,本研究也做了敏感性分 析。 This paper extends Naddor's (T,Si) model: when purchasing ,ordering, carrying, and deteriorating, there are constant costs over the planning period which inflation is not consid- ered in desigining the inventory policy. Previously, Buzacott developed a modelling inflation that assume the constant inf- lation rate. Buzacott pointed two cases in the derivation inventory. First, the price is subject to the same inflation as cost, second, the price is dependent on the ordering poli- cy. The numerical examples have been considered based on two cases developed by Buzacott. Three sensitivity analyses have also been discussed here. The model developed in this paper can be utilized in inv- entory control on certain consumable goods, grains, photogra- phic films, electronic components, radio- activity materials and waste paper etc.
Appears in Collections:Thesis