Title: 群組技術及分類與編碼系統在台灣交通運輸工具製造工業的使用現況調查
Current Applications of Group Technology and Classification & Coding Systems in Taiwan's Transportation Manufacturing Industry
Authors: 黃亮雄
L. S. Hwang
C. E. Lee
Keywords: 群組技術;分類與編碼系統;Group Technology;Classification & Coding System
Issue Date: 1994
Abstract: 群組技術是一種製造上的概念,藉由辨識並群聚類似的工作,以減少作業 及時間的浪費,並有效且迅速的存取重複問題的資訊。其形成至今已數十 年,國外對於其在工業界實際應用情形的研究報告已非常的多,反觀國內 卻一直沒有類似的研究,故實有必要探討群組技術在台灣本土製造業的實 際應用情形。本研究係群組技術及分類與編碼系統在台灣工業界使用情形 的初步調查,故選擇零組件種類繁多、高度可能引用群組技術觀念的交通 運輸工具製造業廠商為研究對象,調查群組技術觀念在設計、製程規劃、 生產規劃與管制,以及採購、銷售及成本估算等範疇的應用情形;另外, 亦探討在眾多文獻中所提及是應用群組技術的主要工具及效益來源的分類 與編碼系統的使用現況。本研究調查結果將可作為工業局或其他相關單位 未來進行產業升級等相關輔導工作時的參考。 Group Technology (GT) is a manufacturing philosophy which can reduce operational wastes and can effectively manage complicated but similar information through properly classifying and grouping like things together. Major applications of group technology in manufacturing are generally recognized as part design, process planning, and production planning and control. In addition, a plenty of successful real- world practices of GT in purchasing, sales, and cost estimation have been reported in U.S.A., in P.R.C., and in European Countries in the last few decades. Although the concept of GT has been propagated in Taiwan's industries for at least ten to fifteen years, there are very very few practical applications been reported or survey. It is indeed necessary to have an extensive study of GT applications in Taiwan's manufacturers. This reserch focuses on the study of applications of classification and coding (C&C) techniques in transportation manufacturers whose potential in the application of GT concept is relatively higher. This pilot study presents a general profile of GT applications in Taiwan's transportation manufacturers. It provides a valuable references for the Industrial Bureau as well as corresponding coporate organizations in future assisting industrial upgrades. Equivalent studies to other industries are highly suggested.
Appears in Collections:Thesis