Title: | 機車騎士動態交通違規特性分析與因應對策之研究 Dynamic Driving Against Traffic Regulation Analysis and Countermeasure Research |
Authors: | 黃依涵 Yi-Han Huang 張新立 Shin-Li Chang 運輸與物流管理學系 |
Keywords: | 動態交通違規;Dynamic driving against traffic regulation |
Issue Date: | 1994 |
Abstract: | 本論文主要目的士研究機車騎士動態交通違規特性,並從交通工程、執法 及教育宣導三方面來探討減少交通違規的有效方法。早期對交通問題之研 究多著重在工程設計與執法技術之改良,甚少對交通教育與宣導方法做過 深入之探討。而交通違規之原因除了交通工程與執法因素外,駕駛人個人 因素亦為重要之違規原因,因此擬從教育宣導層面來探討減少交通違規之 方法。資料之取得是經由問卷之調查方式,並藉由頻次分析結果,探討 機 駕駛人各項交通違規之發生頻次、對交通違規行為危險性之認定及兩 之關係、交通違規之原因、各種處罰方式及教育宣導管道及方式之有藺吽 C由問卷調查結果得知較容易發生之動態交通違規行為有左右轉不打O號、 闖紅燈、違規左右轉及迴轉、違規行駛禁行機車車道及超速。認w危險性 較大之交通違規行為有闖紅燈、逆向行駛、酒後駕車、超速及D行。而較 常發生之違規原因有趕時間、貪圖方便節約時間、認為不會o生危險、合 法行駛空間被佔用、交通警察不會抓、以為灑脫、不耐煩央C較有效之處 罰方式有罰鍰及吊扣駕照。影響較大之宣傳人物有朋矷B家人及事故當事 人等。有效之宣傳方式有宣傳海報、電視宣導短龤B電台廣播、上課講習 及肇事資料展等。 The purpose of the paper are to research dynamic driving againstaffic regulations anallysis and conntermeasures. By making questionaire survey, we obtain the data. By meansfrequency analysis we probe into all of driving against gulations occuring frequency, damage recognization, the reasons iving traffic regulations, effections of all of punishing anducational methods. From the resoults of questionaire survey, we find that thehaviors more occuring against traffic regulation are turningthout lighting, going throuth the red light, turning againstgulations, driving on the lane motorcycle forbidden and The higher damage recognization of against regulationshaviors are going throuth the red light, driving against therection, driving after drinking, speeding and driving spraining.e more occuring reasons of driving against regulations arevetting, convenience, recognizing undangerous,gal lane occupied, traffic policemen unbanning, recognizingee and easy, impatient, and so on. The methods of morefective punishion are money punishing and driving licencetained. The more effective advertising persons are friends,mily and accident participater. The more effective advertisingthod are advertising similar posters, television films, radio,cture and display of accident material, and so on. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/58847 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |