DC 欄位語言
dc.description.abstract本研究以知識經濟下產業結構重組之角度,探討台灣高科技產業的轉型策略,藉此進行製造業與服務業之策略比較研究;並以台灣IC設計、無線射頻系統與車載資訊系統三產業為例,區分製造業與服務業之經營模式,比較在不同產業發展思維下,未來應採行的產業策略及政策建議。 由於高科技產業全球化、自由化與多元化發展之趨勢,加上資訊技術的擴散與網路標準的形成,產業結構正以知識經濟為基礎進行大幅度變化;就產業結構之重組而言,知識經濟包括製造業與服務業的思維模式。在製造業中,企業在特定策略的定位條件下,以知識創造與市場應用為出發點,發展單一策略選項的專業化經營模式;服務業之運作則在於結合企業核心能力與外部資源,以知識中介創新服務平台的網路經營,藉由知識經濟的產業特質,發展為多元策略選項的客製化操作模式,此一產業結構的轉型趨勢正為今日台灣產業發展與企業經營的最大契機。本研究分別利用產業組合規劃(Industrial Portfolio)與創新密集服務業(Innovation Intensive Service, IIS)模式,分析台灣IC設計、無線射頻系統與車載資訊系統之製造業與服務業發展策略,並利用新貿易理論(NTT)與產品生命週期理論(PLC)所建立之產業演進預測模式,進行產業比較分析與驗證,藉此發展一知識經濟下的全新產業分析模式。 研究結果顯示,就製造業之發展思維,台灣目前應強調研究環境、研究發展與市場資訊等產業創新需求要素之建構,產業發展模式則應由產品生命週期理論下的Optimist模式逐漸由成長期起轉為新貿易理論的Pragmatist模式;而若以服務業思維進行產業經營,未來資源應投注在產業環境構面中的生產要素、需求條件、企業策略、結構與競爭程度等,產業發展模式則應由產品生命週期理論下的Optimist模式直到成熟期起才轉為新貿易理論的Pragmatist模式;同時,技術系統構面中的網路連結性、多元化創新機制與技術接收能力亦為策略規劃之重點,才利於發展強調資源整合與顧客導向之平台服務模式。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis research focuses on making a comparative analysis of manufacturing and service approaches for emergent industrial development amid the knowledge-based economy. Particularly, a manufacturing approach of industrial portfolio model, and a service approach of IIS (innovation intensive service) platform model are used as analytical tools for industrial innovation at both the national and industrial level. Case studies on an emerging technology, the Radio Frequency Identification System (RFID), IC design, and Telematics industries, are also used to demonstrate the validity of the models. Globalization and proliferation of product knowledge demands a new approach for industrial upgrading, where several factors of industrial development are defined as driving forces of knowledge-based evolution such as diversity of highly segmented markets, systems and platform services, network effect, and technology-enabled new markets. With this perspective, we adopt an industrial portfolio model for manufacturing analysis, which consists of two dimensions, of global industrial value chain and technology life cycle, to devise the strategic positions and future direction of manufacturing development. The model also systemizes the industrial innovation requirements (IIR) and corresponding policy instruments for future innovative upgrading. This research also uses IIS platform model for RFID service analysis. The model connects firm’s core competence, value activities, innovation strategies, and externalities, allowing analysis of firm’s needed integration of value activities and externalities based on pre-determined type of customization. The result of industry analysis would be compared with the models of New Trade Theory (NTT) and Product Life Cycle Theory (PLC), to verify the evolutionary path of industrial development amid the knowledge-based competitive situation. The result of study reveals that the industrial innovation requirements of “research and development”, “research environment” and “market information” should be emphasized for Taiwan’s high-tech manufacturing. This research also indicates that connectivity, receiver competence, and variety creation mechanism in the dimension of technological system will be essential in Taiwan’s service platform development. Not only does the conclusion provide a mechanistic comparison of manufacturing and service approaches, it also allows strategic suggestion of resource allocation for RFID, IC, and Telematics industrial development.en_US
dc.subjectIndustrial Portfolio Modelen_US
dc.subjectInnovation Intensive Servicesen_US
dc.subjectKnowledge-based Economyen_US
dc.subjectNew Trade Theoryen_US
dc.subjectProduct Life Cycle Theoryen_US
dc.titleRestructuring Strategy of Manufacturing and Service Industries in the Knowledge-based Economyen_US