Title: GHz環形共振器的製作與特性量測
The Fabrication and Characterization of GHz Ring Resonators
Authors: 林大琮
Da-tsung Lin
Chen-shiung Chang
Keywords: 環形共振器;光導;微波源;Ring Resonator;Photoconductor;Microwave source
Issue Date: 1994
Abstract: 光電子元件積體化電路應用於寬頻帶光纖光波通訊系統是近十幾年來蓬勃 發展的研究領域。在本論文中 , 首先探討了光導開關及環形共振器的製 作及其特性量測結果 , 其次是使用雷射短脈衝光源激勵光導開關產生電 之短脈衝 ,再將之送入一環形共振器內 , 在輸出端耦合取出其共振微波 頻率。我們實驗所測得的 3GHz , 5GHz , 10GHz 環形共振器的共振頻率 及 S21參數頻譜 , 與理論計算及模擬結果趨勢相符。 Optoelectronic integrated circuit (OEIC) technology has been vigorously pursued over the past decade for application in wide band fiber optic communication system . In this dissertation , first , we fabricated some devices and re-searched the characteristics of photoconductors and ring reso- nators . Second ,we use it to shine an optical pulse train from the laser on an ultrafast photoconductor . After the generation of a short electrical pulse train by optical pulses , immediated they are introduced into a designed ring resonator and hence the resonant wave will transmit to the output at the same time . We have shown that the resonant frequency between theory and experiment is agrees well .
Appears in Collections:Thesis