Title: II-VI 族半導體微晶玻璃薄膜生長及其特性分析
The Characterization and Growth of II-VI Semiconductor Doped Glass Thin Films
Authors: 陳明發
Ming-Fa Chen
Dr. Wen-Feng Hsieh
Keywords: II-VI 族半導體;微晶玻璃薄膜;II-VI Semiconductor;micro-crystalline glass thin films
Issue Date: 1994
Abstract: 本論文是利用溶膠-凝膠法將 II-VI 族半導體材料與非晶態玻璃混合製成 靶材.再利用這些靶材以 RF 濺鍍或雷射蒸鍍製成薄膜,以期待有高濃度且 較細緻的微晶玻璃,即會有較明顯的量子侷限效應.實驗過程中使用 RF 濺 鍍製成純硫化鎘薄膜、硫化鎘微晶玻璃薄膜及雷射蒸鍍製成硒化鋅微晶玻 璃薄膜,且針對此三種薄膜做了 X-Ray、 SEM、EDX、 拉曼和螢光光譜等 量測與分析.另外,也對幾種燒結溫度不同的玻璃靶材做螢光光譜的測量. 由 X-Ray可以得知,硫化鎘微晶顆粒為數十至數百埃,由 SEM可以得知,硒 化鋅微晶顆粒約為 1200埃.由拉曼得到純硫化鎘薄膜的表面模態 296cm-1,硫化鎘微晶玻璃薄膜的 1LO 300cm-1及硒化鋅微晶玻璃薄膜的 1LO 250cm-1.由螢光得到硫化鎘微晶玻璃薄膜的中心波長為 585nm和硒化 鋅的 630nm .另外,可見到玻璃靶材的螢光光譜隨燒結溫度的提高而往短 波長偏移. II-VI semiconductor-doped noncrystalline glass targets were prepared by sol-gel method. The targets were deposited as thin films by using RF sputtering or pulsed laser evaporation to obtian mocro-crystalline glass of highter doping percentage and smaller particle size; therefore the quantum size effect will be more distinct. In our experiment,pure CdS thin films and CdS- doped glass thin films were made by RF sputtering, while the ZnSe-doped glass thin films were made by pulsed laser evaporation.These films were analyzed by X-Ray、 SEM、 EDX、 Raman and photoluminescence (PL). Glass targets with different annealing temperature were also analyzed by PL.The particle sizes of CdS were several tenths to several hundreds A°while the ZnSe microcrystal sizes were about 1200 A°, as known from X-Ray and SEM measurements respectively. The central wavelengths of PL spectrum were 585 nm for CdS-doped films and 630 nm for ZnSe- doped films; in addition, the PL spectrum of glass targets were moved toward shorter wavelengths as the annealing temperature was promoted.
Appears in Collections:畢業論文