標題: 半導體雷射光泵固態雷射系統之最佳化設計與腔內倍頻特性之研究
Optimal Design of a Diode Laser-pumped Solid State Laser and its Characteristics of Intracavity Second-Harmonic Generation
作者: 曾耀慶
Yao-Ching Tseng
Dr. Jung-Yao Huang
關鍵字: 最佳化設計;腔內倍頻;optimal design;intracavity SHG
公開日期: 1994
摘要: 本論文主要分成兩個部份.第一部份在研究雷射二極體光泵參釹釩酸釔固 態雷射的最佳化(optimal design)設計程序和操作性能.其中包涵大功率 雷射二極體之特性參數,以及雷射二極體光泵參釹釩酸釔固態雷射之性能 測量,並進一步與理論設計之計算結果比較.第二部份是在雷射二極體光泵 參釹釩酸釔固態雷射系統之共振腔內加入KTP倍頻晶體,從事腔內倍頻( intracavity SHG)的觀察和研究.此部份之目的在於將不可見波段光源利 用非線性光學過程轉移得到可見光頻域,以產生系統結構進緊緻而可靠之 同相可見光光源. This thesis consists of two main parts.The first part is focused on the optimal design and the demonstration of a diode pumped Neodymium:Yttrium OrthoVanadate solid state laser system, including the measurement of the high power laser parameters and the performance of the Neodymium:Yttrium OrthoVanadate laser. Then the measurement was also compared with the results predicted by the theory.Second,the experiment of a laser diode pumped Neodymium:Yttrium OrthoVanadate laser added directly with KTP crystal in the cavity afford the visible light source from the invisible light by means of intracavity SHG process.The measurement results was also dicussed and suggested.
Appears in Collections:Thesis