Title: 一個在 ATM 網路上端點對端點即時多媒體傳輸的同步方法
An End-to-End Synchronization Approach for Real-Time Multimedia Traffic on ATM Network
Authors: 陳奎伯
Kwei-Bor Chen
Yaw-Chung Chen
Keywords: 端點對端點;同步;即時;多媒體;ATM 網路;end-to-end;synchronization;real-time;multimedia;ATM Network
Issue Date: 1994
Abstract: 寬頻整合服務數位網路 (B-ISDN) 利用 ATM 做為傳輸骨幹,它支援不同
來確保在 ATM 上做「端點對端點即時多媒體傳輸」的效果,其主要目的
在有效控制並降低傳輸過程中可變動的時間延遲 (如緩衝區的等候延遲)
出了一個在 ATM 交換機裡提供多階層緩衝區,以將不同延遲需求的資料
慮封包損失(cell loss)的程度,我們動態的調整分送原則是:若指定的
Broadband ISDNs (B-ISDN) use ATM as its backbone transmission
network. It supports various transmission rates and several
data types of multimedia data communication. However, during
the transmission, the congestion on each switching node may
cause the different types of multimedia data arrive the
destination synchronously or in time and then arises the
problem of playout synchronization. This paper presents a high-
level view of the requirements to guarantee the real-time
multimedia traffic performance in an ATM switching network. The
main goal for the end-to-end synchronization of multimedia
traffic is to control the quality-of-service (QOS) and reduce
the variable delay, e.g. queuingdelay, to meet the restriction
of the total end-to-end delay, so that the transmitted data can
be delivered to the destination in time before the associated
playout time. We propose a multiple-queue scheme to offer the
different service throughput to meet the required delay time.
From the standpoint of cell loss, when the associated queue is
full, we dynamically select a faster non-full queue to serve.
Thus, we handle the cell loss rate as well as reduce the
variable delay time. After simulation of our proposed policy,
the results indicate that under the same traffic load, it
brings a little better cell loss rate but a significant cell
delay QOS than the other buffer management schemes. By means of
the principle of simplicity, we show that our method achieves a
better average QOS for the real-time multimedia traffic.
Appears in Collections:Thesis