標題: 多媒體應用之影像平順播放器
Video Playout Smoother for Multimedia Applications
作者: 沈啟俐
Chi-Li Shen
Maria C. Yuang
關鍵字: 多媒體應用;影像平順播放;傳輸層;Multimedia application;Video smooth playout;Transport Layer
公開日期: 1994
摘要: 多媒體系統把許多不同的媒體(如文字、聲音、圖形和影像)資訊合併在一
傳輸時,每一封包(packet) 的傳輸延遲時間不同,此將嚴重影響影像、
文提出一個影像視訊會議系統(Video Teleconferencing System)的雛型
,其將影像平順播放器置於傳輸層(Transport Layer)中,使得應用層(
Application Layer)能不受網路狀態影響,達到影像平順播放的目的。最
Multimedia applications combine a variety of information, such
as text,audio,graph,images,and video.To support multimedia
applications,several facilities have been recongnized as
assential.In particular,synchronization of single medium is
significant of solving the discontinuity problem occurring when
accessing remote media data.The thesis initially gives an in-
depth survey of existing single medium synchronization
mechanisms,especially the video/audio playout smoothing
mechanisms.Although many mechanisms have been proposed,a
general solution has not been indentified. The thesis then
proposes a general and adaptive playout smoothing algorithm,
called the Video Smoother,for solving the discontinuity problem.
The Video Smoother adopts state- dependent playout rate;that is,
the mean playout rate depends on the number of frames in the
buffer.Since the state of the buffer reflects the state of the
path through which the video frames are retrieved,the Video
Smoother allows video playout to be dynamically adaptable to
various network dealys.Suitable strategies for adapting playout
rate under different loads are recommended according to
analytic results. Moreover,a teleconferencing prototyping
system with the Video Smoother employed as a part of the
transport layer logic is developed to examine the performance
of the Video Smoother.Prototyping results show the feasibility
of the Video Smoother for the discontinuity problem.