Title: 一個分散式環境的主從服務管理系統
A Client-Sever Service Management System of Distributed Environments
Authors: 黃士展
Shih-Chan Huang
Shyan-Ming Yuan
Issue Date: 1994
Abstract: 在網路環境中, 為了使網路資源被充份利用, 使用者須要一套有助網路 通 透(Network Transparency)的服務工具. 另一方面, 為了增進網路系 統管理效率,系統管理者則須要一套集中式的遠端程序(Process)管理工具 遢g論文主要目的就是為了解決以上兩項問題. 為了解決以上兩項問題 , 本篇論文提出一個主從式程序管理系統的雛型架構-Zodiac.這個系統具有 三個特性: 一. 提供網路使用者相當的網路通透性. 二. 提供集中式的遠 端程序管理能力. 三. 收集網路資源以供系統動態分配. 除了上述三個特 性, Zodiac亦在廷展性(Scalibility)及可靠性(Reliability)等問題有所 討論. Zodiac提出五個設計機制, 用以解決以上需求. 上述各點都會在本 篇論文中加以討論. Zodiac-- a prototype system for the service management of client -server application is introduced in this thesis. With Zodiac system, users and network administrators can access or manage the processes of whole computer network just like the processes in aocal host. A management system should have three characteristics , it is still necessary to consider other issues while developing a management system of distributed environments. In Zodiac system , the hierarchical management model, process spool, multiple application server monitors, automatic remote installation/upgrade and remote process control/monitor are designed to slove the problems of service management in network environments.
Appears in Collections:Thesis