Title: 在Windows NT 上的分散式異動檔案服務設計與實作
The Design and Implementation of A Distributed Transactional Service on Windows NT
Authors: 謝志浩
Shih-Chan Huang
Shyan-Ming Yuan
Issue Date: 1994
Abstract: 分散式異動檔案服務可視為分散式檔案服務的擴充,它允許客戶程式集合
了一個transaction manager及一個 lock manager, transaction
manager負責客戶的不可分割性及可復原性;而 lock manager負責平行控
個協調者去整合所有異動伺服器的動作,我們系統使用Two-Phas Commit
Protocol去整合所有異動服務的決定。我們以Windows NT 的thread來設
A distributed trnsactional file service can be regarded as
annsion of distributed file service. It suports a skeletona
client program to group the operations together toatomic. In
our system, we design a transaction manager and a lock manag-
er in each site. The transaction manager is responsible for
ato- micity and recovery of client operations, while the lock
manager is responsible for concurrency control. In disrtibuted
systems, one trans action one transaction may invoke more than
one trans- saction manager that resides at different sites.
Thus, it needs to coordinate the network-wide commitment of all
servers participating in a transact on. The Two-Phase Commit
Pr- otocol is used to commit the distributed transactions in
our sy-tem. We use the Windows NT treads in a server offering
concurrent ac- cess to clients. Use of threads makes IPC(Inter-
Process Communi-ation) and synchronization easily and improves
the system perf- ormance.
Appears in Collections:Thesis