Title: 視訊點播服務中的階層式網路化儲存架構
A Hierarchical Network Storage Architecture for Video-on-Demand Services
Authors: 賴鴻儒
Horng-Zhu Lai
Ying-Dar Lin
Keywords: 有線電視, 視訊點播, 局部的服務中心, 局部的集中服務中心, 集中福務中心;CATV, Video-on-Demand, Local Service Center, Local Central Ser- vice Center, Central Service Center.
Issue Date: 1994
Abstract: 由於近年來有線電視與電腦網路的持續發展,使得利用這些網路來提供用 戶視訊點播服務變的可行,在本論文中我們提出了一個三層網路化儲存架 構的視訊點播服務,在第一層 (也就是局部的服務中心) 中存著少數但是 有最高收視率的影片,在第二層(也就是局部的集中服務中心)中存放著僅 次於第一層的少數第二高收視率的影片,在第三層 (也就是集中的服務中 心) 則存放著所有的影片,在這個基本架構之下,我們依據影片收視率分 布函數使用最小費用函數來找出存放在前兩層服務中心的影片數以及在服 務中心間傳遞影片所需的連接數,我們也根據使用者需求的改變提出了一 個影片重新分配演算法。 Recent advances in Cable TV and computer network will allow the network/service/content providers to offer residential custo- mers with video-on-demand services. In this thesis we propose a three-level hierarchical network storage architecture for video- on-demand storage system. In the first-level (Local Service Cen- ter, LSC) a limited number of high vision probability programs are stored; in the second-level (Local Central Service Center, LCSC) a few second high vision probability programs are stored; the third-level (Central Service Center, CSC) contains all pro- grams provided in the system. Based on this architecture and the program vision probability distribution function, we use a mini- mum-cost function to find out the numbers of programs stored in the two service centers( LSC and LCSC) and numbers of links among these three service centers. We also propose a program realloca- tion algorithm according to the change in user request pattern.
Appears in Collections:Thesis