標題: 三度空間中產生保持拓樸一致性等位面和減少三角形個數之研究
A Study on the Generation of Topologically Consistent Isosurfaces and th Reduction of Meshes
作者: 陳智乙
Jyh-Yii Chen
Zen-Chung Shih
關鍵字: 三度空間資料視覺化,不確定性,三角形個數之減少;vllume visulization, ambiguity, face reduction
公開日期: 1994
摘要: 在三度空間視覺化中,尋找適合表面(Surface-fitting)是一個受歡迎 的方面去建構三度空間資料的等位面。有一些傳統的方法,例如 Marching Cube,當不確定性的情況發生時可能產生錯誤的結果。除此之 外,對於大部份三度空間資料,這個方法會產生大量的三角形讓現有的電 腦難以處理。在本篇論文中,我們提出一個演算法去處理這個不確定性, 同時考慮去減少三角形的數目以提高描繪三度空間資料的效能。 In volume visualization, surface fitting is a popular approach to construct the isosurface of a volume data. Traditional approach, like marching cube, could produce erroneous results when the ambiguous condition occurs in a voxel. Beside the number of faces constructed for most volume data is too many to be processed by current computers. In this thesis, we propse an algorithm to handle the ambiguities. Besides we also consider the reduction of faces constructed by our algorithm to enhance rendering performance.