標題: 平行編譯器之 DOACROSS 迴圈平行化
DOACROSS Loops Parallelization for Parallelizing Compilers
作者: 高世宏
Shih-Hung Kao
Shian-Shyong Tseng
關鍵字: 平行編譯器; 平行度; 執行時期的平行化;資料相依性;parallelizing compiler; parallelism; run-time parallelization; data dependence
公開日期: 1994
摘要: 在平行編譯器的偵測上,迴圈存在大量的平行度。目前現存的平行編譯器
當中,大部分只針對 DOALL 這類型的迴圈來做處理。然而 DOACROSS 這
。在這篇論文當中,我們針對 DOACROSS 迴圈的平行化提出一個架構。在
這個架構之下,我們將 DOACROSS 迴圈的平行化分成兩個部分:編譯時期
的平行化、執行時期的平行化。如果一個 DOACROSS 迴圈,具有恆定一致
的資料相依性,透過適當的同步協調 ,可以成功的將這類型的
DOACROSS 迴圈平行化。然而,假使我們無法在編譯時期獲得有關迴圈中
構 (偵測階段、執行階段)。我們針對偵測階段提出一個通用的演算法來
Loop-level parallelism is the most common resource to be
exploited by parallelizing compiler. On most existing
parallelizing compiler, only DOALL loops parallelization are
supported. However, DOACROSS loops which are ignored by most
current parallelizing compiler exist plentiful parallelism. In
this thesis, a DOACROSS loops parallelization model is
proposed. The parallelization for DOACROSS loops is divided
into two parts: compile time parallelization and run-time
parallelization. DOACROSS loop with constant uniform
dependence distance can be parallelized by proper
synchronizations. It is also found that parallelizing DOACROSS
loops can obtain obvious speedup. However, if the dependence
distance is non-uniform or array index is an indexing function,
these will make data dependence test conservative. A run-time
method is proposed to handle such loops. This method is based
on insp/exec loop transformation (inspector phase and executor
phase). We propose a general algorithm for the inspector phase
to improve the capability to solve loop scheduling problem.
Our algorithm can determine the wavefronts of a loop with any
complex array reference relations by building DEF-USE table.
The experimental results show that the new algorithm can handle
any complex data dependence pattern which cannot be handled by
any other previous research, and also reveals that if the input
loop doesn't have uniform workload, the scheduling should be
considered. Furthermore, the efficiency of the insp/exec
method is also discussed.