Title: 在互動式虛擬環境中產生階層性模型的演算法
An Algorithm for Hierarchical Model generation in Interactive Virtual Environments
Authors: 謝晉穎
Chin-Ying Hsieh
Zen-Chung Shih
Keywords: 細部層次,階層性模型,游走建築物模擬,虛擬實境;Level of detail, hierarchical model, walkthrough, virtual reality
Issue Date: 1994
Abstract: 在複雜的虛擬環境下,為了要達到互動性的畫面交替速率,考慮不同層次 的細部顯示是一個合適的方法。在本論文裡,我們提出了一個能夠自動產 生各種不同層次模型的演算法。藉著保有模型上明確的特徵,此演算法可 適用於更廣泛的多邊形模型。此外,在每一個層次的細部模型也被建造的 儘量接近原來的模型。最後,我們把這個演算法應用到一個游走於建築物 內的模擬(Walkthrough)。 For complex virtual environments, considering different of detail in display is an appropriate approach to achieve interactive frame rates. In this thsesis, we propose an algorithm that automatically generate the models of virtual object at multiple levels of detail based on the concept of "retiling". with the preservation of sharp features, the algorithm is suited to a wide variety of polygonal objects. Besides, the model at each level is constructed as clos as possible to the original one. Finally, we apply the algorithm to a walkthrough application for this purpose.
Appears in Collections:Thesis