標題: 從 Dexter Hypertext Reference Model 探索 World Wide Web 的架構 Exploration of World Wide Web Framework --from Dexter Hypertext Reference Model Aspect
作者: 林大為
Lin, Da-Wei
關鍵字: 超文字模型;全球資訊網;全球資訊網的未來;全球資訊網瀏覽器;Dexter Hypertext Reference Model;World Wide Web;WWW browser; Future of WWW
公開日期: 1994
摘要: 網際網路的普遍使用與多媒體環境的相對成熟,給予全球資訊網 (WWW)相 當好的發展時機,從 1989 年至今不過幾年的時間,WWW 的使用者快速成 長,蔚成一股風潮。 WWW 是結合網際網路與多媒體,使用 client/ server 的架構的分散式的超媒體系統,這些都是目前相當熱門的主題, 也是現在及將來的研究方向,WWW 架構在這樣開放式動態的一個環境上( 指網際網路),且具閱讀上的彈性(指超媒體),對於"資訊傳遞交流",扮 演無比的重要的角色,21 世紀是一個"資訊"的世紀,WWW 所代表的意義 更加不平凡。 Dexter Hypertext Reference Model 是一個相當典型的超 文字模型,歸納目前存在的許多超文字系統,並能涵蓋未來的超文件系統 ,兼具 data model 與 process model 的特性,對於超媒體系統彼此間 的互換性與操作發展而言,具有相當的參考價值。本研究主要是從 Dexter Model 的角度完整深入探討 WWW:使用者介面、超文字節點與鏈 結的機制與管理、底層多媒體資料的儲存管理,從而了解 WWW 在這些方 面的各項特性、設計邏輯,目前所存在的問題,進而探討 WWW 的未來發 展方向。 Due to the recent popularity and maturity of Internet and multimedia,it is a natural consequence that World Wide Web is developed. Since 1989 to now, WWW's users has been grown rapidly. World Wide Web that combines internet and multimedia is a client/server hypermedia system. WWW builds on an open and dynamic environment(internet) and owns reading flexibility( hypertext). It is very important for information to exchange. WWW represents a very important meaning in the "information" age of 21 century. Dexter Hypertext Reference Model is a typical hypertext reference model. The Dexter model attempts to capture the important abstractions of the existing and future hypermedia systems. The Dexter model is a combination model that captures user interaction by using process model, and focus main body of hypertext by using data model. The Dexter model provides a valuable reference framework for developing interchange and interoperability standards through which hypermedia can be shared. This research discusses WWW from Dexter model aspects. The discussions cover user interface、 hypertext node and link management,and management of content/ structure inside the nodes. From these discussions, one can understand WWW properties, and problems that exist now. Therefore propositions of future studies are enumerated as the contribution of this research.