Title: 錳鋅亞鐵鹽摻雜鈦離子的介電損耗
The Dielectric Loss of Titanium-Substitued MnZn Ferrite
Authors: 章正欣
Jenh-Ching Chang
Bi-Shiou Chiou,Jenh-Yih Juang
Keywords: 錳鋅亞鐵鹽; 介電損耗.;Mn-Zn ferrite; dielectric loss.
Issue Date: 1994
Abstract: 本論文的討論重點在於摻雜鈦離子對錳鋅亞鐵鹽介電損耗的影響.經電性 分析的結果顯示,摻雜鈦離子於錳鋅亞鐵鹽中其介電損耗會增加 ,此為摻 雜鈦離子使得晶格中產生陽離子晶格空缺造成介電損耗增大. The effect of doping titanium into MnZn ferrite has been analyzed in this theme.Doping titanium into MnZn ferrite results in the creation of excess vacancies and reduction of Fe3+ ion to Fe2+.The excess vacancies enhance the probability of relaxa- tion cxchange between cations and their vacacies which increase the dielectric loss of MnZn ferrite.The increasing amount of Fe2+ means the decreasing of resitivity. Such that,doping tita- ium into MnZn ferrite can increase the conductivity of MnZn ferrite.
Appears in Collections:Thesis