Title: 迴轉磁性平面傳輸線洩漏模及複數模的全波分析
Full-Wave Analyses of Leaky Modes and Complex Modes on Planar Gyromagnetic Transmission Lines
Authors: 傅坤福
Fuh Kuen-Fwu
Tzuang Ching-Kuang
Keywords: 陶鐵磁體;網路推式;洩漏波;複數模;漏波天線;迴旋磁體傳輸線;Ferrite;Leaky wave; Complex Mode; Leaky-Wave Antenna; Gyromagnetic Transmission Line
Issue Date: 1994
Abstract: 在本論文中, 迴轉磁性平面傳輸線的格林函數被有系統地建立起來, 最後
配合 Galerkin's method以進行全波數值分析。首先討論從不具反方向性
演進過程,經由一系列的數值實驗及分析, 可歸納出封閉槽線複數模的形
成乃是金屬蓋加諸於洩漏模間的偶合效應所引起的; 此項結論也給予了本
帶線在對稱情形下, 準偶模及準奇模間存在著模耦合現象假如兩條金屬導
線的寬度差異很大, 一對主複數模將存在於大部分的頻率範圍,其間唯一
的通帶則可由外加磁化磁場控制。另外, 由於金屬厚度及上、下陶鐵磁體
基板無法完全地契合, 不可避免地有一微小氣隙存在於迴轉磁性條狀線的
中央區域; 理論分析顯示, 同不均勻的均方介質條狀線一樣, 主模將會洩
漏電磁能量且存在另一不會洩漏的類平行板主模, 然而使用陶鐵磁體的好
處是, 在適當的工作頻率及磁化磁場下, 能量洩漏是可以被抑制的。最後
析, 只要變化約6.5%的偏壓磁場, 主輻射束角度可從水平揚至約九十度,
The dyadic Green's imprdance functions of gyromagnetic planar
transmission lines are systemmatically established models.
Full- wave numerical analyses are performed by appling the
Galerkin's method. After performing a series of numerical
experiment, we conclude that the formation of the complex modes
on the shielded gyromagnetic slotline is the result of coupling
effects, caused by the presences of covers, among the leaky
modes. A pair of dominant complex modes is formed on the
reciprocal gyromagnetic coupled microstrips. By properly
tunning the strip widths, a bandpass spectrum can be formed for
such a guided wave structure and the passband was shown to be
magnetically tunable. The same inhomogeneous stripline, the
conventional dominant stripline mode becomes leaky and a
parallel-plate-like dominant bound mode coexists with it.
However, the dominant-mode leakage of gyromagnetic stripline
can be suppresed by properly choosing the magnetic bias
condition and operating frequency. A leaky-wave antenna
operated with the first higher-order leaky mode of the
gyromagnetic microstrip line is proposed and analyzed. It was
shown that the beam angle of such a leaky-wave antenna can be
steeered from horizopn to nearly vertical by only varing 6.5%
of the DC magnetic bias field Ho.
Appears in Collections:Thesis