標題: 多重視窗影像顯示尺寸調整器之設計
The Design of Image Resizer for Multiple Windows
作者: 黃慶美
Ching-Mei Huang
Chein-Wei Jen
關鍵字: 影像尺寸調整, 濾波器;Image Resizing, Filter, CIC Filter
公開日期: 1994
摘要: 在本論文中, 我們提出一個可同時處理多個影像視窗尺寸調整的硬體設
計. 這個硬體具有模組化的運算單元, 可被動態地配置至需要的尺寸調整
影像有較高的順位要求較多的運算單元以達到較佳的顯像品質 . 模組化
的運算單元是以 CIC (Cas-caded Integrator-Comb)濾波器來達成. CIC
濾波器的實現不需要乘法器及係數儲存, 而且架構規則, 很適合作動態應
體配置. 除了可做整數倍的尺寸調整外, 我們也提出一個使用CIC 濾波器
的 poly-phase 架構作非整數倍的尺寸調整. 這個尺寸調整器可作
1/3~3 的尺寸調整.和 Karl M. Fant 提出的 Nonaliasing Spatial
Transform Technique 相比, 我們的尺寸調整器亦得到不錯的影像品質且
有經濟有效的硬體架構. 我們使用工研院電通所提供的0.8u m CMOS
cell library 來做硬體的 VLSI 實現.
In this thesis, we present an image resizer which can afford
the resizing computations for multiple image windows
simultaneously. To achieve this goal and to efficiently uti-
lize the computation resources in the resizer, we propose a
VLSI architecture that can be dynamically configured accor-
ding to image display sizes. On the other hand, the conven-
tional filter architectures are not suitable for the image
resizing applications. In this resizer, we use the cascaded
integrator-comb(CIC) filter as the basic computation module
because of its multiplierless, regular structure and coeff-
icient-free properties. Furthermore, to conquer the integer
resizing ratio limitation of the CIC filter, we adopt poly-
phase architecture to achieve non-integer ratio resizing using
CIC filters. In VLSI implementation, we take special
considerations to reduce the cost of on chip delay line re-
gisters and adopt an overlap-save block-in skill. The VLSI chip
is implemented by the 0.8um TSMC SPDM CMOS cell library
provided by ITRI/CCL.