Title: 抗諧振反射光波導壓力感測元件之研究
Investigation on ARROW Pressure Sensors
Authors: 余東明
Tung-Ming Yu
黃遠東, 王誌麟
Yang-Tung Huang, Chih-Lin Wang
Keywords: 抗諧振反射光波導; 壓力感測元件;ARROW; Pressure Sensors
Issue Date: 1994
Abstract: 抗諧振反射光波導是近幾年才被提出的光波導結構,它擁有許多迷人的優 點,諸如:單模低損耗傳輸、高極性感度,同時它易與單模光纖相匹配。 抗諧振反射光波導結合光學感測元件所擁有不易受溫度、電磁場等外界干 擾的好處,因此我們提出利用抗諧振光波導來設計壓力感測元件。我們利 用多層結構的轉換矩陣理論〔Transfer Matrix Method〕來分析抗諧陣反 射光波導結構各項參數對光波的傳輸損耗係數、反射常數等的影響,並分 析壓力對受壓平板彎屈度的關係,最後我們提出結構且得到輸出能量與壓 力的關係。未來除了更進一步以有限元素分析法〔Finite Element Method〕及波束傳輸法〔Beam Propagation Method〕等工具來分析通道 型結構,也將嘗試以雙抗諧振反射光波導做為壓力感測元件的可行性。 Antiresonant reflecting optical waveguide (ARROW) structure have been paid much attention recently due to their attractive features such as low transmission loss, high polarization sensitivity, and compatibility with single mode optical fibers. Optical sensors offer a variety of advantages such as the wide range of operating temperature, immunity to electromaganetic interference, and no need for in-situ power. Considering these advantages, pressure sensors based on ARROW structures were investigated. The transfer matrix method of the multilayer structure was used to analyze the characteristic parameters of an ARROW structure like attenuation and reflection coefficient of modal propagation. The relationship between the deflection and the applied pressure was investigated. We proposed a structure and obtained the output as a function of an applied pressure. In the future, finite element method could be used to analyze the characteristics of channel ARROW pressure sensors, and beam propagation method (BPM) to verify the results. The pressure sensors based on dual-ARROW coupler will be investigated.
Appears in Collections:Thesis