Title: NTSC及HDTV之多重路徑通道等化與時序載波回復之研究設計
On Multipath Channel Equalization and Timing/Carrier Recovery of NTSC & HDTV System
Authors: 鄭瑞瑛
Jui-Ying Cheng
Sau-Gee Chen
Keywords: 等化器;時序回復;載波回復.;Equalizer; Timing Recovery; Carrier Recovery.
Issue Date: 1994
Abstract: 在本論文裡, 我們針對可能影響電視而產生鬼影的原因, 研讀了現有有關
NTSC和HDTV兩種系統之多重路徑通道等化與時序載波回復的演算法, 並以
此為基礎做進一步的改進, 最後將整個系統整合做電腦模擬,至於硬體部
份, 針對等化器及計算其係數部份作電路設計, 並利用 Verilog 模擬其
In this thesis, we study the existing algorithms for multipath
equalization, timing and carrier recoveries. Then we propose
improved algorithms for these demodulation problems, which have
lower hardware complexities and better stability than the
existing algorithmns generally. Computer simulations of the
total demodulation systems show satisfactory performances. As
for hardware realizations, structures for the filter block and
its corresponding coefficient update block of the multipath
equalizer are designed and Verilog simulated.
Appears in Collections:Thesis