Title: 以封包保留規約在無線通訊系統中整合語音與數據服務之績效
Performance of Packet Reservation Multiple Access for Integrated Voice and Data Service in Wireless Communication
Authors: 張志成
Chin-Cheng Chang
Jin-Sheng Shieh
Keywords: 封包保留;無線通訊;整合語音與數據;PRMA;Wireless Communication;Integrated Voice and Data
Issue Date: 1994
Abstract: TDMA為現行最廣泛的數位行動通訊系統所採用,穩定性高,容量亦較FDMA 大。然而目前的TDMA系統無法將語音和數據服務整合,只能以電路交換模 式各別在不同時槽傳送封包,無法利用語音通訊中無聲的時段。未來只要 在發話端加入語音發聲偵測器( SAD ),並以封包保留多重存取(PRMA )規約傳送封包,並賦與語音和數據封包不同的允許機率便可以達成整合 語音與數據的服務。本研究以不同的 PRMA方法建立一個系統模式,並說 明其中之系統運作方式、假設以及重要參數, 根據此模式進行各種PRMA 的模擬,分析整合語音與數據系統。本研究並針對不同的PRMA方法,在語 音封包遺失率 0.01的限制下,分析比較各種PRMA方法之系統服務績效, 考慮改變語音封包允許機率,數據封包的允許機率、封包長度、語音及數 據使用者人數、數據平均位元速率等重要系統參數來觀察語音封包遺失率 、系統透通量、訊息服務時間、最大數據位元速率等四種系統服務績效的 變化情形。 TDMA is widely adapted in current digital mobile communication system.TDMA is highly stable and has large capacity than that of FDMA, which current TDMA system cannot integrate voice and data service by using the silence peroids during voice communication sessions. In order to achieve this type of service, we can add a speech activity detector ( SAD ) in front of the transmmitor, send packets with reserved multiple access protocol and provide different permission probability to voice and data packet. In this study,we build a system model by using several PRMA approaches concerning system pattern and parameters. Based on the model,we simulate various PRMA approaches and analyze the model and then compare the simulation and mathematical analysis results.
Appears in Collections:Thesis