標題: 具有限金屬厚度之共平面多重耦合微帶傳輸線之快速準靜態分析法
Quick Quasi-TEM Analysis for Shielded Coplanar Multiconducotor Microstrip Lines with Finite Metallization Thickness
作者: 賴孟祥
Meng-Shiang Lia
Jen-Tsai Kuo
關鍵字: 格林函數;混合空間和頻域法;趨近結構;Green's Function;Mixed Space and Spectral Domain Method; Asymptotic Structure
公開日期: 1994
摘要: 在本論文中,我們利用一種非常有效率的方法,這種方法能夠在準靜態下考 慮傳輸線的金屬厚度,分析封裝於金屬中的多層介質共平面多重傳輸線的 傳輸特性.這種方法是建構在以混合空間域和空間頻域的方法表示格林函 數. 空間域部分的格林函數是表示一種近似的形式, 稱之為'趨近結構'. 而空間頻域部分的格林函數表示我們考慮的結構和趨近結構之間的修正 項.另外也利用連續函數基底,使得本文使用的這種方法能加速在頻域空間 中的計算.因此,對於一般被使用的微帶線結構,只需要考慮很少的富利葉 項數,就能夠得到正確收斂的結果.另一方面,本方法在空間域中使用高斯- 柴比雪夫求積法和排除對數奇點的方法,也促使結果能有效率的得到.這種 混合空間頻域和頻域表示格林函數的方法能準確的得到多重耦合傳輸線的 靜態傳輸線參數.如特性阻抗和有效介質常數或者是電容矩陣和電感矩陣. 這種方法與文獻上的結果比,具有很好的準確性.另一方面,在執行時間上, 雖然沒有太多的資料可以作參考,但可以相信的是,所需的時間和別的方法 比較起來是很少的. A very efficient method is presented to carry out the quasi-TEM analysis of shielded coplanar multistrip transmission lines with finite metallization thickness in a multilayered dielectric medium. The method is based on a mixed spatial and spectral domain expression of Green's function. The spatial part represents the Green's function of asymptotic structure of the considered structure, which can be expressed in a closed- form, and the spectral part is the correction to Green's function of making up the difference between the considered structure and the asymp- totic structure. A set of global basis functions is used to expand the free charge distribution on the microstrip lines. It showns that only 10-30 spectral terms are enough to evaluate the correction part of the Green's function. The method is used to determine the propagation parameters of the multiconductor microstrip lines namely, the characteristic impedance and effective relative dielectric constant or capaci- tance matrix and inductance matrix. The method has been validated by comparing the results with those available in the literature. Although few reports on used CPU time are available, it is believed that this method is favorable for both execution time and accuracy.