Title: 企業策略類型與人力資源管理作業關聯之研究-以臺灣存款貨幣機構為例-
The Relationship Between the Typologies of Business Strategy and Human Resource Management Practices - The Case of Taiwan Deposit Money Banking Industry-
Authors: 洪啟超
Chi-Chao Hung
Chyan Yang;Hai-Ming Chen
Keywords: 企業策略;策略類型;人力資源管理;存款貨幣機構;Business Strategy;Typology of Strategy;Human Resource Management; Deposit Money Bank
Issue Date: 1994
Abstract: 在漸趨自由化與國際化的金融環境中,臺灣的金融產業遭逢許多挑戰,如 開放民營商業銀行設立、各種金融商品的出現、國際金融的變動等,使得 人力資源管理成為組織重要的策略議題。本研究由組織內部決策一致性的 觀點,強調人力資源管理必須和組織策略相互配合,甚至於組織特徵的因 素也需要互相整合。傳統上有關於人力資源管理的研究比較少著墨在組織 與組織之間的差異,本研究主要係探討 Miles 與 Sonw (1978) 的企業策 略類型對人力資源管理作業的影響,並將組織特徵因素(包括機構類別、 組織規模、機構設立時間)列入探討的範圍。本研究針對臺灣的存款貨幣 機構進行普查,以郵寄問卷方式調查。策略類型問卷係採用 Conant 與 Mokwo (1990) 設計之多構面衡量,人力資源管理作業問卷由本研究設計 ,並考慮研究工具之信度與效度。結果發現企業策略類型在人力資源管理 作業的十三個構面上有顯著的影響,組織特徵因素也有相當程度的影響, 而策略類型與與組織特徵變數也有交互關係。此一結果相當程度證實過去 實證及理論上的探討,由於研究中使用策略類型多構面衡量避免了反應者 策略的描述偏差,因此可以探討反應者策略在人力資源各構面上的差異; 同時,策略類型與組織特徵因素對人力資源管理各構面的影響不一,如何 詮釋組織與組織之間人力資源管理差異的原因值得進一步的探討。 In the turbulent and uncertain environment, Taiwan financial industry faces many challenges. The trend of deregulation and internationalization makes human resource management (HRM) an important strategic issue. In the perspective of internal consistence, the thesis emphasizes the integration of HRM practices and business strategies. Even the organizational characteristic factors have to match each other. Traditional research literature of HRM put less emphasis on the inter- organizational difference. The thesis mainly studies the infuence of business strategic typologies on HRM practices. Organizational characteristic factors are also taken into consideration. The research rseults show that business strategic typologies influence significantly on the 13 dimensions of HRM practices. And organizational characteristic factors influence significantly on several dimensions. Business strategic typologies and organizational characteristic factors also interact each other. Because of the adoption of multi-dimensional measurement of business strategic typology, the research is free from reactor description bias. The thesis can present the reactor strategy's response to HRM practices. In the mean time, how to interpret the inter-organizational differences of HRM parctices needs further studies.
Appears in Collections:Thesis