Title: | 善因行銷活動對消費者購買行為影響之研究 A Study of the Effect of Cause-Related Marketing Campaign on Buyer Behavior |
Authors: | 鄭珠田 Chu-Tien Cheng 陳光華 Quang-Hua Chen 管理科學系所 |
Keywords: | 善因行銷;消費者行為;Cause-Related Marketing;Consumer Behavior |
Issue Date: | 1994 |
Abstract: | 善因行銷是營利機構與非營利機構在互利的前提下,互相合作所進行的一 種新型的行銷活動。其特色是指明消費者與企業從事某種交易時(消費產 品或服務),企業捐出特定金額給非營利機構。本研究從國外有關善因行 銷、消費者行為、及產品特性之相關文獻探討後,加以整理歸納,提出本 研究之觀念性架構及研究模式。用以研究善因行銷對消費者行為之影響。 本研究的實證為探索性(exploration)研究,目的在於研究善因行銷對消 費者行為之影響。本研究的母體是以日間部大學生做為受訪對象,並以問 卷方式收集資料進行實證分析。研究使用的統計方法包括敘述統計量、T 統計檢定、重複測度設計、迴歸分析、相關分析、及多變量變異數分析。 本研究的實證結果發現(1)結合公益活動的廣告比起一般(無結合公益活 動)的廣告,較會引起消費者的注意。(2)消費者認為參與善因行銷活動 的品牌,是盡社會責任的品牌,也認為它是熱心公益的品牌。(3)消費者 對於參與善因行銷活動的品牌,在盡社會責任及熱心公益的態度上有正面 的態度。(4) 消費者對於非偏好品牌的選購品之購買意向,並不受該品牌 有參與善因行銷活動,而因此增加購買意向。但消費者對對於非偏好品牌 的偏好品及便利品之購買意向,並不受該品牌有參與善因行銷活動而增加 。 Cause-Related Marketing is a new marketing activity that unites for-profit organizations with non-profit organizations in a way that benefits both . The character of Cause-Related Marketing is that a firm contributes a specified amount to a designed non- pro- fit organization when customer engage in revenue-providing excha- nges . After organizing relevant papers about Cause- Related Marketing consumer behavior 、 product character ,the study proposes a conceptual framework and research model in order to study the effects of Cause-Related Marketing on consumer behavior . The population of this study is the undergraduate students in Taiwan's university and college . The statistical methods for this study include descriptive statistics 、 T test 、 repeated measure design 、 regression 、 correlation analysis 、 and MANOV . The empirical research findings indicate : (1)the advertise- ments linked with Cause receive more attention from consumers t- han advertisements without Cause.(2)consumers recognize the brand engaged in Cause-Related Marketing campaigns is responsib- le for society , and enthusiastic for public affairs (3) consum- ers have a positive attitude concerning society responsibility and public affairs toward those brands engaged in Cause-Related Marketing campaigns (4) consumers' purchase intention toward the shopping goods of non-preferred brands is independent of whether the brand engages in Cause-Related Marketing campaigns . But the purchase intention consumer toward the preferred and convenience goods of non-preferred brand increased with the cause that the brand engaged in Cause-Related Marketing campaigns. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/59460 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |