標題: 氰氧基與乙烯及乙烷之反應動力學研究
Kinetics Studies of the Reactions of NCO with C2H4 and C2H6
作者: 周永慶
Yun-Chin Chou
Niann S. Wang
關鍵字: 動力學,擬一級反應,自由基,大氣化學;Kinetics,pseudo-first-order,radical,atmosphere chemistry
公開日期: 1994
摘要: 本實驗使用雷射光解/雷射誘發螢光法在不同溫度及壓力下偵測氰氧基
我們將在定溫(298K)下研究其反應速率常數對壓力(10 -413 torr(He))的
得其反應速率常數之高壓極限(high pressure limit)為: k1=5.55*10
^-12 cm^3 molecule^-1 s^-1在壓力10torr時我們可將其反應速率常數與
溫度之關係可表為: k2=3.42*10^-8*T^-1.61*exp(-82.2/T) cm^3
molecule^-1 s^-1在壓力200torr時我們可將其反應速率常數與溫度之關
係可表為: k3=1.34*10^-8*T^-1.40*exp(4.45/T) cm^3 molecule^-1
s^-1 NCO+C2H6 為一抓氫(hydrogen abstraction)反應,其反應可表為下
式: NCO+C2H6--->HNCO+C2H5其反應速率常數與壓力無關.我們在定溫(298
K),定壓(53torr)下測得其反應速率常數值為 k=1.82*10^-14 cm^3
molecule^-1 s^-1.
Absolute rate coefficients for the reactions of NCO radical
with C2H4 and C2H6 were determined by using laser photolysis/
laser induced fluorescence technique. We used He and N2 as
buffer gases . We measured the rate coefficients for the
reaction of NCO radical with C2H4 in the pressure range between
10 torr and 413 torr at 298K,and in the temperature range from
246K to 473K at a total pressure of 10 torr, and from 298K to
473K at a total pressure of 200 torr. The result were expressed
as: NCO+C2H4--->products k1=5.55*10^-12 cm^3 molecule^-1 s^-1
(high pressure limit) at a total pressure of 10 torr k2(
T)=3.42*10^-8*T^-1.61*exp(-82.2/T) cm^3 molecule^-1 s^-1 at a
total pressure of 200 torr k3(T)=1.34*10^-8*T^-1.40*exp(4.45/T)
cm^3 molecule^-1 s^-1 The rate coefficient for the reaction of
NCO radical with C2H6 was determined as 1.82*10^-14 cm^3
molecule^-1 s^-1 at 298 K at 53 torr.