Title: 網路教學型態與教學效益之研究-國內選擇性個案之綜合分析
A Study on the Teaching Effects of Different E-Learning Types - Analysis of Selective Cases in Taiwan.
Authors: 曾長勛
Tseng Chang-Hsun
Mao Chi-Kuo
Keywords: 網路教學;e-learning
Issue Date: 2004
Abstract: 隨著網際網路的誕生,對社會造成了很大的衝擊,人類的活動隨之改變。而時值今日,在網際網路快速普及、資訊科技快速發展的情形下,教學已經不再侷限於學校的教室之內,打破了時間及空間的限制,“網路教學(e-learning)”為近年教學的發展注入了新頁。隨著各大專院校不斷增加軟硬體設備、人力以及獎勵辦法用以推廣網路教學及數位學習的發展,而許多老師也對相關教學方式的改變趨之若鶩的同時,卻也開始出現了一些省思。 本研究希望藉由工作、研究所就讀、網路搜尋及實際探訪過程中所接觸到這幾年有持續使用網路教學工具的老師,以多重個案訪談的方式,進行描述性及探索性的研究。對其投入網路教學的願景,投入過程中面對的障礙及其克服的方式,以及其在實行網路教學所採取的型態以及所得到的教學效益,做深度的探訪與了解。而後將不同個案的訪談結果歸納,並做出整理,以期將得到之寶貴經驗,與相關研究的文獻內容和探查而收集的資料,進行歸納分析,建構一個教師進行網路教學的評估及實施流程,供後續對網路教學有興趣的老師以及所有關心網路教學教育的人士參考。
With the advent of internet, our lives have profoundly changed. Learning, with the help of the rapid growth of information technology, is no longer bounded in a classroom. E-learning has become an influx into the traditional teaching development. Colleges and universities not only have invest on hardware and software but also promote the use of e-learning through various awards. When many of the professors have changed to adapt to the new way of teaching, some different viewpoints have emerged. Through interviews of the experienced professors, the writer conducted a descriptive and explored research. The interview reflected the vision on e-learning, the obstacles and the ways to overcome them, the different types of e-learning and the benefits it or they bring. All the results are summarized. Compared with the literature, an evaluation and implementation process is recommended at last.
Appears in Collections:Thesis